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A hummingbird’s long, curved bill (or beak) is perfectly designed to sip the nectar deep inside trumpet-shaped flowers. In fact, the types of flowers a species will visit are closely tied to the shape of the birds’ beaks. Long, narrow flowers, for instance, are visited by hummers with equally long bills. Flower shape equals bill shape. But there’s more to that equation, suggests a new study. And it involves a fair amount of combat.

For decades, scientists had argued that the shape of hummingbird bills must depend on the flowers these birds tap for food.

Some hummingbirds can beat their wings up to 80 times per second. This lets them zip from flower to flower and hover while eating. But all that movement requires a lot of calories. Hummingbirds sip plenty of sugary nectar to fuel that activity. Bills that fit perfectly inside flowers help birds reach more nectar and drink it down faster. Their long tongues lap up the sweet reward located at the base of the bloom.

Flowers pollinated by those birds get more pollen moved from flower to flower, because these birds tend to visit the same types of flowers again and again. So the close tie between bill shape and flower shape seemed like an open-and-shut case of co-evolution. (That’s when the traits of two different species that interact in some way change together over time.)

Except for one thing: Males of some tropical species don’t show the same bill adaptation to fit flowers that the females have. Instead, their bills are stronger and straighter with pointy tips. Some even have sawlike structures along the sides. In short, they kind of look like weapons. They are not slicing open flowers. So what’s up with their beaks?

Some males’ bills have saw-like “teeth” and hooked tips that they use to bite other birds.


Maybe males and females simply feed from different types of flowers, scientists proposed. That might explain their different bills. But Alejandro Rico-Guevara was not convinced. He’s an evolutionary biologist at the University of California, Berkeley. And he has a passion for hummingbirds.

There’s another difference between the sexes, he notes: Males fight one another. Each defends a territory, and all of the flowers and females within it. He thinks that competition between males — and the combat that results — led to the weapon-like features on the guys’ bills.

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